The Power of Data and The Importance of Data Engineering Solutions.

The Importance of Data and Data Engineering Solutions.

Data has become the lifeblood of Modern Businesses. From Customer Insights to Operational Efficiency, Data is at the heart of every decision-making process. However, data on its own is not enough. Without proper management, data can quickly become overwhelming and useless. This is where Data Engineering Solutions come in.

Data Engineering Basics

Data Engineering is the process of transforming raw data into usable data, allowing businesses to make informed decisions. It involves:

  • Collecting,
  • Storing,
  • Processing, and
  • Analyzing Data,

while Creating Pipelines that deliver the right data to the right people at the right time.

The importance of this service cannot be overstated, as it enables businesses to unlock the true value of their data.

Benefits of Data Engineering

One of the key benefits of Data Engineering is the ability to create a unified view of data across an organization. Data Engineering Solutions can bring together data from multiple sources, such as Customer Data, Financial Data, and Operational Data, and create a single, accurate view of the business.

This unified view can help businesses make more informed decisions, as they have access to all the data they need in one place.

Data engineering solutions can also help businesses automate their Data Processing and Analysis. By creating automated pipelines, businesses can save time and reduce errors. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that deal with large volumes of data, as manual processing can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Another important aspect of Data Engineering is Data Governance.

Data Governance refers to the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data used in an organization. Data engineering solutions can help businesses ensure their data is compliant with regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This can be crucial for businesses that deal with sensitive data, such as financial or medical data.

Tarams’ Data Solutions

At Tarams, we specialize in providing Data Engineering Solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our team of experts has years of experience in collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing data. We use the latest technologies and tools to create customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each business.

Whether you need help with

  • Data Integration,
  • Data Warehousing,
  • Data Lakes, or
  • Data Governance,

We can help.

Our Data Solutions are designed to be scalable, so they can grow with your business. We also offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your data is always accurate, secure, and available when you need it.

Along with this preview of our Data Engineering Services, our earlier published article sheds some light on how to capitalize Data.


In conclusion, Data Engineering is essential for businesses that want to unlock the true value of their data.

By providing a unified view of data, automating data processing and analysis, and ensuring data governance, data engineering solutions can help businesses make more informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage.

At Tarams, we are committed to providing the best data engineering solutions to help businesses succeed.

How can we help you?

Business Intelligence(BI) Services in 2023

Business Intelligence(BI) Services: Why They Are More Important Than Ever Before?

In the modern business world, Data is King. Companies that are able to effectively gather, analyze, and act on data, have a significant advantage over their competitors. This is where business intelligence services come in.

Business intelligence (BI) services provide companies with the tools and expertise they need to collect and analyze data, turning it into actionable insights that can drive better decision-making.

BI has been around for decades, but its importance has only grown in recent years. In 2023, we are seeing a number of trends that make BI services more essential than ever before.

The Rise of Big Data

Perhaps the most significant trend driving the need for BI services is the explosion of data. With the rise of the internet and social media, there is now an unprecedented amount of data being generated every day. This data comes from a variety of sources, including customer interactions, social media posts, online sales, and more.

While this data can be incredibly valuable, it can also be overwhelming.

Companies that try to manage and analyze this data on their own often struggle to make sense of it all. BI services provide a solution to this problem by offering advanced analytics tools that can sift through vast amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that might otherwise be missed.

The need for Real-Time Insights

Another trend driving the importance of BI services is the need for real-time insights. In today’s fast-paced business environment, decisions need to be made quickly.

Companies that are slow to respond to changing market conditions or customer needs risk falling behind.

BI services can help companies stay on top of these changes by providing real-time insights into key metrics like sales, customer behavior, and more. With these insights, companies can make informed decisions quickly, improving their agility and responsiveness.

The rise of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another trend that is driving the need for BI services. AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing are becoming more advanced every day, and they have the potential to transform the way companies analyze and act on data.

BI services that incorporate AI technologies can help companies identify patterns and insights that might otherwise be missed.

For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to identify customer segments that are likely to churn, allowing companies to take proactive measures to retain those customers. More on this can be found in our earlier insight article.

The need for better Data Security

As data becomes more valuable, it also becomes more vulnerable. Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and companies that fail to protect their data risk significant financial and reputational damage.

BI services can help companies protect their data by implementing advanced security measures like encryption, access controls, and more.

With these measures in place, companies can be confident that their data is secure and that they are in compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

In 2023, Business Intelligence services are more important than ever before.

The rise of big data, the need for real-time insights, the rise of artificial intelligence, and the need for better data security are all trends that are driving the need for BI services.

Companies that invest in these services will have a significant advantage over their competitors, as they will be able to make informed decisions quickly and stay ahead of changing market conditions.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to start exploring the benefits of business intelligence services for your organization.

Tarams’ Solution Offering

Tarams offers a comprehensive range of Business Intelligence services, including consulting, implementation, and analytics. Tarams’ BI consulting services empower companies to move from insights to action and optimize performance.

Our areas of BI expertise include:

Consulting and Architecture –

Strategizing a business roadmap with solutions from consultation to architectural design and development with end-to-end solution capabilities has been at the forefront of our BI Services. This helps wire together the entire organization into a network of centralized architecture with a decentralized approach.

Tarams’ solution enables employees to perform the following Business Intelligence functions on a self-service platform:

  • Business Intelligence Strategy and road map
  • Technology Evaluation & Rationalization
  • Optimization and Performance enhancement of the Business Intelligence Infrastructure
  • Big Data strategy
  • Conceptualizing, designing, developing, and implementing DW solutions

From a development perspective Tarams prepares the architectural road map by focusing on: 

  • Discovery/Requirement Gathering
  • Data Visualizations and setting up for Reporting and Analytics
  • Implementation of Business Intelligence Solutions
  • Continued support and maintenance

Big Data –

These solutions work by synchronizing disparate data in a single platform with high-performance algorithms. Tarams’ Big Data solutions help companies enhance operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. They have the following features and deliver the following benefits:

  • Manage Capacity Planning and Performance
  • Provide the right solution, regular upgrades, and Data Optimization
  • Define Strategies
  • Create a workable blueprint for realizing Data Goals
  • Provide technology evaluation and recommendations
  • Build Proofs-of-Concept and use cases
  • Feasibility assessment of solutions implementation

Data Warehousing –

The Data Warehousing Service Support consists of maintenance, operation, and data cleansing. Tarams helps users connect, visualize, and share data seamlessly, anywhere, and on any device. It helps run ETL activities efficiently with the support of the latest tools and technologies while ensuring connectivity between various repositories from databases, mainframes, file systems, web services, and packaged enterprise applications.

It connects with Data warehouses, OLAP applications, Software-as-a-Service, and Cloud-based applications. Some of the other features include:

  • It provides a workable data modeling solution for managing the complex data environment
  • Captures real-time information delivery to support quick data-driven decision-making
  • Deploys data integration to aggregate disparate data sources across the business
  • Builds custom data mart for specific areas which require special attention
  • Queries historical data to strategize future roadmap with deliverables
  • Cleanses and improves the overall organizational data quality

Tarams develops the Data warehousing solution with the following processes and functionalities:

  • Data Mart Development
  • Tools, Portal and Platform Selection
  • Information Design
  • ETL
  • Data Integration
  • Performance Optimization

Tarams also provides service support including maintenance, operation, and data cleansing.

In Summation

Tarams is a leading provider of Business Intelligence services that help businesses turn their data into valuable insights. With the right skills, tools, and expertise, Tarams can analyze and integrate both structured and unstructured data, providing clients with a comprehensive view of their business operations.

One of the core strengths of Tarams is its expertise in Cloud Computing Platforms, including AWS, Google, Azure, IBM, and Oracle. This enables the company to provide cloud-based Business Intelligence solutions that are scalable, secure, and cost-effective.

Tarams’ solution helps structure the chaotic and complex organizational data and helps in developing the right analytical tools and solutions that can augment the decision-making process. With the help of Tarams, businesses can build a robust framework that provides a standardized, robust, and easy-to-use data analytics platform.

The end-to-end data analytics solution offered by Tarams encompasses consulting, engineering, implementation, maintenance, and enhancement services. The company’s approach is designed to deliver measurable business benefits to clients, whether they are looking to improve their customer experience, increase revenue, or optimize their operations.

The company’s Business Intelligence solutions are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether a business is looking to improve its supply chain management, customer experience, or financial performance, Tarams can help.

In conclusion, at Tarams, the focus is always on delivering value to clients. The company’s team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions that meet their unique requirements. With a commitment to excellence, Tarams is dedicated to delivering the highest quality Business Intelligence services to its clients.

How can we help you?

Learning Management System (LMS) – An Overview

What is an LMS?

LMS stands for Learning Management System. It is a software platform that allows organizations to manage, deliver, and track their training and development programs online. An LMS provides a centralized location for learners to access course materials, take assessments, and receive feedback, while also providing administrators with tools to create, manage and track the progress of courses and learners.

An LMS can be used for a variety of purposes, including employee training and development, compliance training, and education in academic settings.

LMS can also provide reporting and analytics on the performance of learners and the effectiveness of training programs, which can be used to improve the learning experience and drive better outcomes.

What is DevOps?What are some of an LMS’s Key Features?

A top-notch Learning Management System (LMS) will have the following key features:

  • User-Friendly Interface:- A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate is essential for an LMS. It should be intuitive and visually appealing, with clear instructions and access to support resources.
  • Customization and Branding:- An LMS that allows for customization and branding enables organizations to create a unique learning experience that aligns with their brand and culture.
  • Mobile Compatibility:- With the increasing use of mobile devices, a top-notch LMS should be accessible from mobile devices, with a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes.
  • Content Creation and Management:- The LMS should have tools for creating and managing content, including the ability to upload and share a variety of media formats, such as video, audio, and interactive content.
  • Personalization:- An LMS should provide personalized learning paths for each user, based on their learning style, preferences, and performance.
  • Assessment and Reporting:- An LMS should have robust assessment and reporting capabilities that enable organizations to track learner progress and evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs.
  • Gamification:- Gamification features such as badges, rewards, and leaderboards can make learning more engaging and motivate learners to complete their training.
  • Social Learning:- An LMS that incorporates social learning features such as discussion forums and peer-to-peer collaboration can enhance the learning experience and promote knowledge sharing.
  • Integration with Other Systems:- A top-notch LMS should be able to integrate with other systems such as HR and performance management systems to provide a seamless learning and development experience.


Overall, A good LMS should provide a comprehensive and customizable learning experience that is accessible from any device, promotes engagement and retention, and enables organizations to track learner progress and evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs.

LMS in 2023

A well-devised and thought Learning Management System, has been and will continue to be a game-changer in the education and training industry. In 2023, LMSs are expected to continue to benefit the industry in several ways, including:

  • Enhanced Learning Experience:- With LMS, learners can access their courses from anywhere, at any time, using any device. LMS allows for a personalized and adaptive learning experience, with interactive and engaging content that promotes retention and knowledge transfer.
  • Increased Efficiency:- LMS enables organizations to streamline their training process by automating tasks such as registration, course delivery, and assessment. This leads to increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Better Tracking and Reporting:- LMS provides detailed tracking and reporting on learner progress and performance, allowing organizations to identify knowledge gaps and measure the effectiveness of their training programs.
  • Improved Compliance:- LMS helps organizations ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards by providing a centralized platform for training and certification.
  • Scalability:- LMS allows organizations to scale their training programs as they grow, without the need for additional infrastructure or resources.


Overall, Learning Management Systems will continue to benefit the industry in 2023 by providing a flexible, efficient, and effective solution for managing and delivering training programs. Look out for our next feature explaining our take on the current trends in LMS.

Tarams and LMS

Designing a good Learning Management System (LMS) requires a thorough understanding of the needs and goals of the company and its learners.

We here at Tarams offer a range of LMS solutions, including:

  • Cloud-Based,
  • On-Premise,
  • Open-Source, and
  • Mobile-Enabled platforms.

We believe it is important to conduct research and evaluate the specific features and capabilities of each solution to determine which one best meets the needs of your organization. Our association with Ed-Techs and Data Management Companies implementing LMSs has honed our skills to perfection and we will definitely be the right partner for all your LMS needs.

How can we help you?

DevOps and DataOps – An Overview

DevOps and DataOps – How can these approaches optimize your operations?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in DevOps and DataOps methodologies. These two approaches aim to improve collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery in software development and data management. While there are many similarities between DevOps and DataOps, there are also some key differences that set them apart.


In this article, we’ll explore what DevOps and DataOps are, compare their similarities and differences, and provide examples of how they can be used in practice.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a methodological approach that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery in software development. It’s about bringing the development and operations teams within an organization together for better collaboration, with the goal of reducing the time it takes to move software from development to production.

DevOps is based on a number of principles, including:

  • Collaboration: DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams, as well as other stakeholders such as quality assurance (QA) and security teams.


  • Automation: DevOps aims to automate as much of the software development process as possible, from testing and deployment to monitoring and reporting.


  • Distribution: DevOps encourages distribution models where applications are developed, tested, and deployed on a small scale rather than large, infrequent releases.


  • Improved feedback loop: DevOps incorporates feedback loops back into the development process, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes and adapt their approach as needed. 


  • Tools: DevOps relies heavily on tools to automate tasks and streamline workflows with a focus on using open-source and cloud-based technologies.

Tarams with its extensive experience in DevOps has been successful in implementing it for numerous clients. Our services gives you an insight into how we can assist in solving any current obstacles you may have.

Key Benefits of DevOps

  • Faster time to market: With an emphasis on automation and distribution, DevOps enables teams to get applications into production faster.


  • Improved Collaboration: By splitting silos between different teams, DevOps improves communication and collaboration, which leads to better results.


  • Better quality software: By integrating feedback loops and testing into the DevOps development process, it helps teams catch bugs and bugs that lead to better quality software.


  • Greater efficiency: By automating tasks and streamlining DevOps workflows, reducing manual labor and increasing efficiency, increasing time for more important tasks.

Scenarios for DevOps

  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): DevOps can be used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code changes to production. With this approach, developers can release new features and bug fixes more frequently and with less risk, while operations teams can ensure the stability and reliability of the system.


  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): DevOps can be used to manage infrastructure as code, which means defining and provisioning infrastructure resources such as servers, databases, and networking components using code. This approach helps to ensure consistency and repeatability in the infrastructure deployment process and makes it easier to scale and maintain the infrastructure.


  • Monitoring and Alerting: DevOps can be used to implement a comprehensive monitoring and alerting system for applications and infrastructure. This includes collecting and analyzing performance metrics, logging and tracking errors, and setting up alerts to notify teams when issues arise. This approach helps teams proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact users.   


  • collaboration and Communication: DevOps can be used to improve collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. This includes implementing tools and processes for sharing code, documentation, and knowledge, as well as fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.


  • Security and Compliance: DevOps can be used to ensure that applications and infrastructure meet security and compliance requirements. This includes implementing security best practices such as code reviews, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing, as well as ensuring compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.

What is DataOps

DataOps is a way of applying DevOps principles to data processing. It’s about bringing together different teams involved in data management, including data engineers, data scientists, and data analysts, for greater collaboration and automation of the data management process.

DataOps is based on a number of principles, including:

  • Collaboration: DataOps emphasizes collaboration between business units involved in data management, with a focus on breaking down silos and improving communication.


  • Automation: DataOps aims to automate the data management process as efficiently as possible, from data processing and processing to analysis and reporting.


  • Continuous integration and delivery: DataOps promotes a continuous integration and delivery process, where data is processed, analyzed, and delivered in small increments rather than in large batches in which they are rarely done.


  • Quality and governance: DataOps adds quality and governance to the data management process, ensuring that the data is accurate, reliable, and secure.


  • Tools: DataOps relies heavily on tools to automate tasks and streamline workflows, with a focus on using open-source and cloud-based technologies.

Key Benefits of DataOps

  • Faster time to insights: By emphasizing automation and continuous delivery, DataOps enables teams to get insights from data more quickly.


  • Improved collaboration: By breaking down silos between different teams, DataOps improves communication and collaboration, leading to better outcomes.


  • Better quality data: By incorporating quality and governance into the data management process, DataOps helps teams ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and secure.


  • Greater efficiency: By automating tasks

Scenarios for DataOps

  • Data Pipeline Management: DataOps can be used to manage data pipelines that move data from source systems to target systems. With DataOps, you can automate data ingestion, cleansing, and transformation to ensure that data is properly managed and of high quality.


  • Data Governance and Compliance: DataOps can be used to ensure that data is properly governed and meets compliance requirements. This includes implementing data access controls, managing data lineage, and ensuring data privacy and security.


  • Data Quality Management: DataOps can be used to manage data quality and ensure that data is accurate, complete, and consistent. This includes setting up data quality checks, monitoring data quality, and identifying and resolving data quality issues.


  • Analytics and Reporting: DataOps can be used to manage analytics and reporting systems, ensuring that data is properly aggregated, analyzed, and visualized. This includes setting up analytics pipelines, managing data models, and ensuring that insights are accurate and actionable.


  • Collaboration and Communication: DataOps can be used to improve collaboration and communication between data engineering, data science, and business teams. This includes implementing tools and processes for sharing data, documentation, and knowledge, as well as fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.

In Conclusion

DevOps and DataOps are two methodologies that aim to improve collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery in software development and data management, respectively. While there are many similarities between DevOps and DataOps, they are designed for different tasks.

DevOps is best suited for software development, where the focus is on building and delivering software in a more efficient and reliable manner. It emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery, enabling teams to get software into production more quickly.

DataOps, on the other hand, is best suited for data management, where the focus is on processing and analyzing data in a more efficient and reliable manner. It emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous integration and delivery, enabling teams to gain insights from data more quickly.

Both methods have their strengths and can be useful to organizations in different ways, depending on their specific needs and goals.

Data Engineering Team

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4 Technology Trends Poised To Skyrocket in 2023

What are Technology Trends?

Technology trends refer to the direction or pattern of technological advancements in a particular field or industry over time. These trends can include emerging technologies, new or evolving applications of existing technologies, changes in user behaviors and expectations, and shifts in the competitive landscape.

It is difficult to predict the exact technology trends in 2023, as the technology landscape is constantly evolving and new advancements are being made. However, there are a few areas that we predict might see a lot of traction and attention in 2023

In this blog, we will explore these trends and how we at Tarams, an IT solutions company can help.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are rapidly advancing fields that have the potential to transform many industries and have a significant impact on our daily lives. In 2023, we can expect to see continued growth and development in AI and ML, with new applications and use cases emerging in a wide range of industries. This field is likely to top technology trends in 2023.

One area where AI and ML are expected to make a significant impact is in Healthcare and its Services. AI-powered solutions have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, from early diagnosis of diseases to personalized treatment plans. For example, AI-powered tools can help medical professionals analyze vast amounts of medical data to make more informed decisions about patient care. In 2023, we can expect to see AI and ML being increasingly used in areas such as image analysis, drug discovery, and predictive analytics.

Another industry that is expected to be significantly impacted by AI and ML is Financial Services. AI-powered solutions have the potential to improve many aspects of financial services, such as fraud detection, risk management, and customer service. In 2023, we can expect to see more financial institutions investing in AI and ML solutions to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve the customer experience.

In the Retail Industry, AI and ML are expected to play a big role in optimizing supply chain management and personalizing the shopping experience for customers. For example, retailers can use AI-powered solutions to analyze customer data and make personalized product recommendations, and also use ML algorithms to optimize their supply chains and improve the accuracy of demand forecasting.

The Manufacturing Industry is another area where AI and ML are expected to have a significant impact in 2023. AI and ML can help manufacturers improve their operations by reducing waste, optimizing production processes, and increasing efficiency. For example, AI-powered solutions can help manufacturers monitor their production lines in real-time and identify areas for improvement, and ML algorithms can be used to optimize production schedules and reduce downtime.

The Transportation Industry is also expected to be impacted by AI and ML in 2023. AI-powered solutions have the potential to improve many aspects of transportation, such as route planning, traffic management, and autonomous vehicles. For example, AI-powered systems can be used to optimize route planning and reduce congestion, and self-driving cars powered by ML algorithms can improve safety and increase efficiency on the roads.

In 2023, we can also expect to see AI and ML being increasingly used in areas such as education, energy, and entertainment. AI-powered solutions have the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and improve access to education, and also help optimize energy production and distribution. In the entertainment industry, AI and ML can be used to create more personalized experiences for consumers and improve the way content is produced and distributed.

AI and ML are rapidly advancing fields that have the potential to transform many industries and have a significant impact on our daily lives. New applications and use cases emerging in a wide range of industries. While AI and ML present many opportunities, it’s also important to consider the ethical and social implications of these technologies and to ensure that they are developed and used in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Tarams with our Product Engineering and Data Science & Engineering Services have been extensively working with AI and ML from the nascent stages of the technology. Our earlier work in Sentiment Analysis gained a lot of traction and was widely circulated.

5G Technology

The roll-out of 5G networks is expected to accelerate in 2023, and IT companies across the globe may want to focus on developing solutions that leverage the high-speed, low-latency capabilities of 5G.

5G is the fifth-generation wireless network technology that promises to revolutionize the way we use the internet and connect to devices. In 2023, we can expect to see significant growth and development in the 5G space, as more and more countries roll out 5G networks and a growing number of devices and applications become 5G-enabled. Though the trend has been ongoing, we predict a stellar rise in 5G being a strong contender to top the technology trends in 2023

One of the key benefits of 5G is its speed and low latency, which have the potential to transform many industries and improve the way we live and work.

For example, in 2023, we can expect to see more businesses and consumers adopting 5G-enabled devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, that offer faster download and upload speeds and improved video streaming quality.

Additionally, 5G has the potential to support a growing number of IoT devices, such as smart homes, connected cars, and industrial IoT, allowing them to communicate and share data faster and more efficiently.

Tarams has been active in the Mobility Solutions segment for over a decade and some of our use cases speak volumes about our effective solutions for enabling Products to Scale in the Mobility space.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a relatively new technology, but it has already found applications in many industries, such as Finance, Supply Chain, and Healthcare. Blockchain Technology has been gaining popularity over the last few years due to its Secure, Decentralized, and Transparent nature.

Here are some advancements in blockchain technology that we may see in 2023 ensuring Blockchain Technology to be a contender in technology trends in 2023:

Increased Scalability: One of the most significant challenges of blockchain technology has been its limited scalability. Currently, most blockchain networks can only handle a small number of transactions per second. However, with advancements in technology, it is expected that blockchain networks will become more scalable and capable of processing thousands of transactions per second, making it more feasible for use in real-world applications.

Enhanced Privacy Features: Privacy has been a significant concern for blockchain technology, as all transactions are recorded on a public ledger. However, advancements in technology are expected to improve privacy features and make it possible to conduct confidential transactions while still maintaining the benefits of a decentralized network.

Integration with other technologies: Blockchain Technology has the potential to be integrated with other technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These integrations could enable the creation of innovative solutions for various industries and further expand the use cases for blockchain technology.

Increase in adoption by businesses: As blockchain technology continues to mature and become more accessible, it is expected that more businesses will adopt it. Blockchain technology can offer significant benefits to businesses, such as increased security and efficiency, which can lead to cost savings and improved operations.

The emergence of new blockchain-based applications: The growing adoption of blockchain technology is likely to lead to the emergence of new applications that utilize blockchain in innovative ways. Some potential applications include decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain management, and voting systems.

Blockchain technology is continuously evolving, and the advancements we may see in 2023 are likely to make it more scalable, private, and accessible. With the growing adoption of blockchain technology, we can expect to see new and innovative applications emerge, and improved regulations to ensure that it is being used in a legal and ethical manner.

Tarams has worked on a few projects that were focused on improving their advent into Blockchain Technology and we will be more than happy to share the use cases and help you better implement the technology to scale your business and catching up on the technology trends in 2023.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than using local servers or personal computers. It has been a game-changer in the world of technology, and its importance is only expected to grow in the coming years. Here are some reasons why cloud computing is expected to be important and make it to the top technology trends in 2023:

Cost-Effective: One of the most significant advantages of cloud computing is its cost-effectiveness. Businesses can save money by only paying for the resources they need, rather than investing in and maintaining costly physical infrastructure. Additionally, with the use of cloud services, businesses can avoid expensive software and hardware licensing fees.

Scalability: Cloud computing provides the ability to scale up or down resources quickly, depending on the needs of the business. This means that businesses can quickly respond to changes in demand and scale up or down as needed, without the need for significant infrastructure changes.

Accessibility: Cloud computing allows users to access data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier for businesses to work remotely, and it also makes it easier for employees to access their work from anywhere.

Collaboration: Cloud computing facilitates collaboration among teams, whether they are in the same office or spread out across the world. This is because cloud-based applications provide real-time access to data and enable team members to work on the same document simultaneously.

Security: Cloud computing providers have security measures in place to protect data, making it more secure than traditional methods of data storage. Additionally, with the use of the cloud, data can be backed up and stored offsite, reducing the risk of data loss due to natural disasters or other unforeseen events.

Machine Learning: Cloud computing can enable the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, which can provide businesses with insights that were previously impossible to obtain. By analyzing large amounts of data, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers, improve their products or services, and optimize their operations.

Big Data: The amount of data being generated is growing at an unprecedented rate. Cloud computing provides the ability to store, manage and process this data, making it easier to analyze and extract insights from it.

Businesses that embrace cloud computing will have a competitive advantage, as it allows them to quickly adapt to changing business needs and take advantage of new opportunities. As a result, the demand for cloud-based solutions is expected to grow, and businesses that fail to adopt cloud computing may be left behind.

In Conclusion

All of this is well and good; but the key factor for any startup, enterprise, or organization’s success and growth is finding the right partner who enables them to do so with ease. A partner who will help you ride the technology trends in 2023.

Tarams is the right choice for a startup, enterprise, or organization looking to scale their existing business or start a venture or even do a parallel shift into an unknown domain.

Our team of engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, and technologists are always looking for challenges that enable them to put their best foot forward in achieving the customer’s vision while ensuring the right technology is being efficiently utilized.

How can we help you?

Digital Transformation- Its Importance and How Tarams Can Help

Digital Transformation – Today

In the modern world, technology is rapidly changing the way we live and do business. The rise of the digital age has brought with it new opportunities and challenges, and companies that want to remain competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment must adapt. This is where digital transformation comes in, and it has become a crucial aspect of success for companies of all sizes and industries.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of digital transformation and how we at Tarams, an IT solutions company can help.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes to how the business operates and delivers value to customers. It is a strategic process that enables organizations to take advantage of new opportunities created by technology and respond to the changing demands of customers.

Digital transformation can involve the implementation of new technologies, such as Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things, as well as the rethinking of business processes, organizational structures, and customer engagement strategies.

Why is Digital Transformation Important?

The importance of digital transformation can be seen in its ability to improve efficiency, drive innovation, and enhance customer experiences. Here are some of the key benefits of digital transformation:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Digital transformation can help organizations streamline their processes and reduce manual tasks, freeing up time and resources to focus on more important aspects of the business. Automating manual processes and reducing the need for manual data entry can also help to minimize the risk of human error.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: With the rise of digital technology, customers now expect seamless and personalized experiences across all channels. Digital transformation can help companies to understand their customers better, provide them with personalized experiences, and build stronger relationships with them.
  3. Enhanced Innovation: Digital transformation can help companies to explore new business models and create new products and services. It also enables organizations to adopt new technologies and tools that can help them to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.
  4. Increased Agility: Digital transformation can help organizations to quickly respond to changes in the market and adapt to new trends and technologies. This can help them to remain competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing business environment.
  5. Improved Collaboration: Digital transformation can improve communication and collaboration within an organization, making it easier for employees to work together and share information. This can help to increase productivity and drive innovation.

How Tarams Can Help

We here at Tarams can play a critical role in supporting organizations in their digital transformation journeys. We can help companies to assess their current technology landscape, identify areas for improvement, and implement new technologies and solutions that can drive digital transformation. Here are some of the ways our IT solutions can help:

Technology Assessment:

We will help organizations to assess their current technology landscape and identify areas for improvement. This can involve reviewing existing systems and processes, as well as looking at new technologies that can help to drive digital transformation.

Strategy Development:

Tarams will help organizations to develop a digital transformation strategy that is aligned with their business goals and objectives. This can involve identifying the key technologies and solutions that will support digital transformation, as well as developing a roadmap for implementation.

Technology Implementation:

We help organizations to implement new technologies and solutions that support digital transformation. This can involve the deployment of cloud computing solutions, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, as well as the integration of these technologies with existing systems and processes.

Process Improvement:

Tarams years of experience will help companies to re-evaluate their business processes and identify areas for improvement. This can involve the automation of manual tasks among others.

Tarams’ Area of Expertise

Our Product Engineering and Data Science & Engineering teams are well-equipped to assess, recommend, design, implement, and scale your product ideas.

Product engineering involves collaboration between various teams, including designers, engineers, and software developers to create a product that meets the required specifications. The process typically starts with market research to identify customer needs and understand the competition.

This information is then used to inform the design and development of the product, which may involve the creation of prototypes, MVPs, and the testing of the product’s performance and functionality.

Data Science & Engineering includes a wide range of activities, including data collection, data cleaning and preprocessing, data visualization, and the development and deployment of machine learning models. The goal of Data Science & Engineering is to turn raw data into actionable insights that can inform business decisions and support data-driven decision-making.

Data Science & Engineering plays a critical role in a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology. For these industries, our data scientists and engineers work to develop algorithms and models that can be used to predict customer behavior, optimize business processes, and inform strategic decisions.

We are always ears for any challenge thrown our way. We love complex problems and unraveling stagnated processes so we can help you on your journey of Digital Transformation toward a scalable and successful future.

Product Engineering Team

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Applications (Apps) – An effective business tool for Startups

In the Beginning.

A startup is built on an idea or solution to fill a void in the market. This idea or solution combined with the right team for Product Development and Data Engineering will usually result in a successful growth story.

However, many startups fail to reach their goals, but a strong business plan and understanding of the market can increase the chances of success. Consultants, agencies, and enterprises that specialize in helping startups can provide valuable domain knowledge and business acumen to ensure the best return on investment.

Then there were Apps.

The early stages of a business can be difficult, and many startups fail to establish a solid foundation.

However, combining proven strategies in product development and tools with experienced organizations and data engineering can help a startup achieve its objectives. One such tool is a well-designed Application (app), which can provide numerous benefits for a startup. Apps are an invaluable and critical value add for any business trying to break into the tech market.

Value Add to Customers

Having a well-designed app can provide value to customers by offering them access to the information, support, and product updates they need. An app can provide this information more efficiently than traditional methods, making it an improved value add for a business. It can also help to improve the overall customer experience by providing them with easy access to the information and support they need.

Stand Out amongst Competitors

Customers are always looking for the best company to provide the services they need, and a well-designed app can be an effective way to showcase a company’s services and offerings. By providing a clear and precise view of what a company has to offer, an app can help a startup differentiate itself from other companies in the same field. When used effectively, an app can be a powerful tool for attracting potential customers and standing out among competitors.

An Effective Marketing Tool

An app can be an effective marketing tool for a customer or client-centric business. By providing an effective communication channel through the app, a startup can easily share information about its services and offerings with potential customers. An app can also be used to showcase the company and its products, helping to generate interest and awareness among potential customers. Overall, an app can be a powerful tool for marketing a startup and increasing its visibility in the marketplace.

Develop Customer Loyalty

Having an app that is part of a customer’s daily routine can be an effective way to develop customer commitment and loyalty. In today’s challenging business environment, customer retention and loyalty are crucial for the success of any company or enterprise. By making the app a regular part of a customer’s digital life, a startup can keep its products and services top of mind, increasing loyalty and expanding the company’s customer base. An app can be a valuable tool for building customer commitment and promoting the success of a business.

Product Engineering to the Rescue!

Tarams is a company that specializes in Web and Mobile App Development. Our Product Engineering and Data Science & Data Engineering teams have expertise in developing and delivering enterprise mobility solutions, with a focus on native and hybrid apps.

We are known for our ability to deliver highly secure and scalable applications, setting us apart from other companies in the market. Our commitment to sustainability and functionality makes us a top choice for businesses seeking high-quality app development services.

Product Engineering Team

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The Criticality of UX and UI in Product Development

UX and UI in Product Development

The User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design are crucial phases in any Product Development Process. The UX/UI and Graphic Designers need to have a deep understanding of their target users’ expectations and mindset in order to create an engaging and meaningful User Experience. This combined with a creative and enthusiastic approach, along with research and knowledge about the product and its potential market, is key to designing a successful product.

Let’s break that down into smaller understandable bits:

A System of Visual Design

A system of Visual Design is a key aspect of UX/UI design. Designers must ensure that all elements of the design are well thought out and executed. The Design should be simple and straightforward, avoiding overly complex designs that may lead users to believe that there is a hidden flaw or error being concealed.


Designers should also be mindful of the purpose of the design, market perception, and individual preferences, rather than simply following current design trends. It is important for designers to strike a balance between using the right tools and having the right attitude toward solving problems for users.

The Groundwork

At the start of a project, UX/UI designers should have a clear understanding of the objective of the project. They should gather as much information as possible about the project and its components, including the particular campaign, function, product, and message. This will help designers outline the scope of the project and develop a comprehensive understanding of its purpose.

The Approach

Designers must have a Visual Design Approach that is both common and unique, taking inspiration from their everyday experiences and surroundings.

The design should be expressed through

  • visuals,
  • message,
  • tone, and
  • graphics

which are tailored to the target audience.

Designers must also consider the relationship between images and words and whether they work together effectively. For example, the inclusion of captivating words is crucial for a movie poster to attract viewers.

Keep on Practicing

Practice is important for UX/UI designers.

They should constantly be aware of what they see and experience in their daily lives, incorporating these experiences into their designs. This leads to a unique perspective that evolves into a meaningful and impactful product.

A product that is well-designed and convenient to use is highly valued by customers. A unique design that stands out from the rest is often appreciated and can lead to quick success.

Designers should aim to design a product that is exceptional and forces users to engage with it. Offering a free sign-up option is a great way to attract users and gain their trust. Feedback from users is also important for UX/UI designers, providing them with motivation to continuously improve their work. Negative feedback should be absorbed and used as an opportunity for growth and learning.

It's a Wrap

In conclusion, UX/UI designers must stay up-to-date with the latest technology and design trends while also considering the needs of their users. A successful UX designer is able to understand the ideas of their target users and effectively communicate their work. By assisting users in gaining transparency about the product, designers can ensure that expectations are met after the project is completed.


Our Designers and Engineers here at Tarams, are at the helm of understanding the needs of our customers more effectively than most service providers. This stems from having dealt with and dealing with clientele across domains and across geographies. Our Product Engineering team along with our exceptional Design Team are always quick on their step in learning and understanding our customers’ needs and always ensure the Product Idea is well executed into a Product Ecosystem.

Product Engineering Team
Tarams Software Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Data Science And Data Analytics for Revenue Generation


Data science and Data Analytics play a critical role in revenue generation for modern businesses. The ability to collect, process, and analyze large amounts of data is essential for understanding customer behavior, identifying sales trends, and making data-driven decisions.

What is Data Science?

Data Science is the process of extracting insights and knowledge from data using a variety of techniques. These include statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization among others. This allows businesses to make sense of large and complex data sets and make informed decisions.

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of examining, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data. This is used in discovering useful information, informed decision-making, and supporting business operations.

Revenue Generation

One of the critical avenues Data Science and Data Analytics is used to drive revenue is through customer segmentation and targeting. By analyzing customer data; businesses can identify patterns and trends that reveal which segments of their customer base are most valuable.

They can then use this information to develop targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies that are more likely to resonate with these customers.

Another important application of Data Science and Data Analytics is in the area of pricing optimization. By analyzing data on customer buying habits, businesses can determine the optimal prices for their products and services. This can lead to increased sales and revenue, as well as improved customer loyalty.

Data science and Data Analytics can also be used to improve supply chain management. By analyzing data on inventory levels, supplier performance, and demand patterns, businesses can optimize their operations and reduce costs. This can result in increased efficiency and higher profit margins.

In addition, it can also be used to improve the customer experience. By analyzing data on customer interactions, businesses can identify areas where the customer experience can be improved. They can then use this information to make changes that will lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Yet another scenario is to improve risk management. By analyzing data on past events, businesses can identify patterns and trends that indicate potential risks. They can then use this information to develop strategies to mitigate these risks and protect their revenue streams.

Finally, Data Science and Data analytics can also be used to improve business intelligence and decision-making. By analyzing data on sales, marketing, and financial performance, businesses can identify patterns and trends that indicate areas for improvement. They can then use this information to make data-driven decisions that will improve their bottom line.


Data Science and Data Analytics are essential for revenue generation in today’s business environment. They provide businesses with the insights and information needed to understand customer behavior, identify sales trends, and make data-driven decisions.

By leveraging this, businesses can improve their customer targeting, pricing, supply chain management, customer experience, risk management, and decision-making, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Tarams’ Data Engineering team has always understood the value and core strength of Data. We have been the founding partners with some of the big names in the industry, and this experience has enabled us to design and execute services suitable for enterprises and startups over the past two decades.

Data Engineering Team
Tarams Software Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

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MVPs – The First Step For Launching Your Product


Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a concept that involves launching a scaled-down version of a product with the most essential features to test its market viability and gather feedback from end users. This allows entrepreneurs to understand the market and customer needs, prioritize features, and fine-tune the product before scaling it to a full launch. MVPs are crucial for the success of a product as they provide a safe environment for testing and analysis, and can help prevent early failure by providing a better understanding of the product’s value and potential. By testing MVPs before launching, entrepreneurs can improve their chances of success by making data-driven decisions based on market analysis and user feedback.

Let us break down the steps of an MVP launch

Step 1: The Groundwork

Before launching any product, it is important to conduct market research to understand the needs and wants of the target customer and to identify any gaps or inadequacies in the current market offerings. This research can help inform important decisions such as pricing, positioning, and messaging for the product. Additionally, it is important to understand the key benefits of the product and the reasons why customers would choose to purchase it over competitors. This knowledge can help inform the development and marketing of the MVP and the final product.

Step 2: Get your Priorities right

Once you start developing the MVP, it is important to prioritize the features based on their importance to the end-user. This means identifying which features are essential for the MVP to be functional and which are nice to have but can be added later. The most critical feature should be the focus, as it is the one that will provide the most value to the user and test the viability of the product in the market. Prioritizing the features in this way ensures that the MVP is a minimal but fully functional version of the final product. It also allows the team to focus on the most important aspects of the product and gather feedback on them before moving on to less critical features.

Step 3: Let’s Talk Design!

User Interface (UI) plays a crucial role in the success of a product. A well-designed UI can make it easy for users to interact with the product and understand its features, while a poorly designed UI can make it difficult for users to use the product and lead to frustration and abandonment. During the MVP stage, it is important to pay attention to the UI design and make sure it is intuitive and user-friendly.

Keep in mind that the design process is evolving, and the MVP should be considered as a starting point. Once the MVP is launched and feedback is gathered from users, the design can be fine-tuned and improved based on that feedback. This allows the team to iteratively improve the product and increase its chances of success in the market.

Step 4: GO GO GO!

After designing the MVP, there are several steps that can be taken to launch it:

  1. Test the MVP: Before launching, it’s important to test the MVP internally and with a small group of users to ensure that it is functional and user-friendly. This can help identify any bugs or usability issues that need to be addressed.
  2. Build a landing page: Create a landing page for your MVP that provides information about the product, its features, and how to sign up or purchase it. This can help generate interest and build a mailing list of early adopters before launch.
  3. Get feedback: Reach out to potential users, customers, and industry experts to gather feedback on the MVP. This can help identify areas for improvement and validate your assumptions about the product.
  4. Get the word out: Use social media, email marketing, PR, and other channels to promote the MVP and build buzz around its launch.
  5. Launch: Once you’ve tested, refined, and promoted the MVP, it’s time to launch it to the public. This can be done through an official launch event or by making it available for purchase or sign-up on the landing page.
  6. Monitor and iterate: After launch, it’s important to monitor the MVP’s performance and gather feedback from users. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make updates to the MVP.


It is important to keep in mind that an MVP is not a one-time event, it’s a journey of learning, testing, and iteration. So, it’s important to keep monitoring and gathering feedback from the users, even after the MVP is launched.

We here at Tarams have been at the helm of launching various MVPs over the past two decades. We have been a successful, process-oriented, and result-based organization that ensures its clients the best of service.

Our Data Science and Product Engineering teams populated by technology enthusiasts, designers, developers, and entrepreneurs form the core of our USP in securing and assisting the goals and visions of enterprises and startups alike.

Product Engineering Team
Tarams Software Technologies Pvt Ltd

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